OTC Medications for Tinnitus

Although tinnitus which is classified as an inner ear disorder can be difficult to treat, there are certain over-the-counter medications which have proven to be helpful for some with this condition. Whether or not a certain medication works depends on a few different factors, including which type of tinnitus the person has.

Tinnitus is typically broken down into several different types, objective and subjective. Those with subjective tinnitus are the only ones that can hear the noise which they are perceiving whereas with objective tinnitus, others can hear the sound too if they listen closely enough. Those who have tinnitus as the result of nasal congestion for example will be able to take an over-the-counter decongestant or antihistamine in order to effectively relief their symptoms.

Over-the-counter medications do not require a prescription from a doctor and can usually be found in most drugstores or grocery stores. Before taking a certain OTC medication for tinnitus though, it will be important to consult with a doctor in order to learn more about which particular medication might be the very best to take.

OTC medications, although many of them are ineffective in the battle against tinnitus, are inexpensive and do not require you to get a prescription from a doctor. There are certain other products which are geared specifically towards those who have tinnitus, many of them advertised as being “all natural”, consisting mostly of herbs and vitamins.

Those who have tinnitus and want to get relief without having to visit their doctor first will want to consider some of the vitamin and mineral supplements which are available over-the-counter, such as ginkgo biloba and zinc. Numerous studies have linked a zinc deficiency to the development of tinnitus, though that is not always the case with this inner ear disorder as there are many different underlying conditions that can cause it.