Tinnitus and Dizziness – Is There a Connection Between Dizziness and Tinnitus?

Tinnitus and dizziness or vertigo have always been closely associated with one another. It is one of the most common symptoms that can be used to identify tinnitus. Infections or damage to the inner ear can lead to problems with the body’s balance system, which is closely tied in with the visual aspect. The vestibular system is what links the two and can be responsible for a loss of balance. Many people who are diagnosed as having tinnitus complain of this problem. Although there are typically many other symptoms associated with this condition, such as ringing in the ears, it can be one sign that you or someone you know has tinnitus.

There are a number of different medications, including certain antibiotics which can contribute to the developing of tinnitus as well as dizziness which is a common symptom. Tinnitus in and of itself is not a disorder, but rather a symptom of a larger underlying problem. Those who experience dizziness have a sub-symptom which may indicate tinnitus. Hearing loss has also been closely tied in with tinnitus, although it is not believed to be an actual symptom. Some people who develop tinnitus have had severe injuries sustained to their inner ear, whether through physical trauma or loud noise. Either one can be responsible for the feeling of vertigo which may occur when it comes to having tinnitus.

Doctors and researchers still aren’t quite sure what links dizziness and tinnitus, although it is suspected that it has something to do with the inner ear being affected. Because there are many different causes of tinnitus, it is hard to pinpoint an exact reason why it occurs in many of those who have it. One possible explanation is that there is a large buildup of wax in the ear, which once removed properly can solve the problem of vertigo. Sometimes it isn’t that simple though. The dizziness which those who have this condition may experience could be permanent with no real way to reverse the damage that has already been done. Damage to the hair cells which are located in the inner ear can be one explanation as to why someone who has tinnitus might feel dizzy.

Many times someone who has a problem with tinnitus and dizziness has an inner ear infection which can cause both symptoms to occur simultaneously. There are certain measures that can be taken to prevent dizziness as well as tinnitus, such as avoiding loud sounds whenever possible. Those who work in loud environments such as with constructions jobs should implement the use of ear plugs to keep from suffering any injuries to the inner ear which could result in problems tinnitus and/or dizziness. Physical trauma can also cause both of these things, which is why it’s important to wear all of the proper equipment when engaging in physical activities that could result in possible injury to the head and ears. Another good way to avoid both of these is to make sure you know which medications to take if you get an infection, because certain antibiotics can have ototoxic effects.